Fountains and Squares

A tour of Rome’s most famous fountains and squares, especially recommended for first-time visitors to the city, will introduce you to the city center, while we walk through historical squares and fountains, we will share the stories behind the architects and the popes, the legends and reality and everything in between, from the Spanish Steps and the Virgin Mary Column in The Spanish Square, the Trevi Fountain , the Temple of Hadrian and the Stone Square, the ancient Pantheon and to the spacious Piazza Navona. The tour includes a stop at the best coffee house and ice cream parlor in town!

Cost and details

* A walking tour that will last for 3 hours.
* Cost of tour – 250 Euro for up to 4 participants (35 Euro for every additional participant).
* For groups of more than 8 participant the price will include a one way radio system.

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