Castelli Romani tour
Castelli Romani tour in the mountains surrounding the Mars Valley will pass through beautiful middle-ages towns, some of them serve the best food and host the most beautiful views you can find in central Italy. A 40 minute drive outside of Rome brings us to the road of five lakes and the beautiful medieval towns on impressive cliffs with views of two beautiful lakes, by way of lake Albano and lake Nemi. The tour includes a stop at the breathtaking view point of the valley in the town of Frascati (a stop to shake your legs and a cup of coffee to refresh yourselves), continues to Castel Gandolfo (a town that hosts the historic summer residence of the Pope) and a view of lake Albano, and from there we will continue to the town of Nemi, a town whose economy is built on sweet wild strawberries (available in season), with a view of lake Nami, tasting of special sauces produced on site and a stop for lunch for those interested (not included in the price of the tour). From there we will return to Rome or continue to the famous Castelo Romano outlet (you can also have lunch on site at a variety of restaurants in the outlet) for several hours of shopping before returning to Rome with a full day of experiences behind us.
Click for Nemi images on Google
Click for Castel Gandolfo images on Google
Click for Frascati images on Google
Click for Nemi images on Google
Click for Castel Gandolfo images on Google
Click for Frascati images on Google
Cost and details
* Car escorted tour of 4 to 8 hours (with or without a stop at the outlet – according to the customer’s decision).
* Cost of tour – 300 Euro on a full-day basis.
* Cost of car + driver rental – 60 Euro per hour (the number of hours will be determined by the customer according to the number of hours they want to spend in the outlet, a minimum of 4 hours for a tour without stopping for shopping up to a maximum of 8 hours total).
* The vehicle on the tour – a pampering Mercedes van with bottles of cold water for the participants.
* Cost of tour – 300 Euro on a full-day basis.
* Cost of car + driver rental – 60 Euro per hour (the number of hours will be determined by the customer according to the number of hours they want to spend in the outlet, a minimum of 4 hours for a tour without stopping for shopping up to a maximum of 8 hours total).
* The vehicle on the tour – a pampering Mercedes van with bottles of cold water for the participants.